Today I had an interesting service case to share, Intel Duo Core MacbookPro. The problem was the display and it looks like the picture shown. The screen display looks like photonegative. The same result even the moment it was power on while showing the apple logo. At first I thought it was the driver issue, as this unit originally came with Tiger OS and the lady owner upgraded it to Leopard and also install XP to boot dual OS.
When first time this problem came, she said it was diagnose by local apple reseller technician and they claim there were no problem and just restore it to original OS. What grabbed my attention was she claims that whenever she make it into dual OS (OSx10 and XP) it became like this.
Well, standard procedure to diagnose from zero is always majority the best place to start with. The moment when booting up from the DVD already gave the same error display. At this point I strongly believe high possibilities is a hardware issue. I just carry on the installation till end to monitor, same result.
After googlering around hopefully to find any update drivers for the display, none found. Since there are no bios (like any others IBM compatible base pc) for apple machine, here I got a big help from local apple centre tech.
First to cross check the display setting from System Preferences/Universal Access/Display. Check the display is it set to Black on White (This is the correct seeting) and it was. So we process to the next step, RESET PROM.
Here’s the step. Restart (Reboot) the machine, immediately press and hold these 4 keys together when hear the boot tone.
After a sec or two it will reboot again by itself and do not let go your finger yet! You can only release those keys when come to the 4th reboot and each reboot you’ll notice the booting tone is louder then the previous one. Wah lah!
A conclusion here, I’ll have to go back the original OS that came along to monitor. Will update this paragraph soon.
any help with finding a permanent solution?