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Monday, 27 October 2008

Security or Convenience?

Today I replace a Hard Drive for NEC Versa series model E600 notebook. It took me half an hour to replace it because it was design beneath the touch pad (mouse). I had to remove the up cover to do it.

There are 3 replacement or upgrade items very often for notebook. Battery, RAM (Memory) and HDD (Hard Drive). Usually there’s no issue for battery because the break down rates are quite high after a year or two of usage (or even less) and it can be easily replaced by user.

Ram and HDD would not be that user friendly, best to handle by a technician not only because of the skill for time saving or not to “short circuit” to our self but sometimes incompatible pieces may damage the notebook.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Useful Widgets

Useful Language Translator Widget for poor gramma and spelling like me @_@

About Language Translator Translates

 any text between different 22 different languages using Googles language translation service. It can even detect the source language. What’s New in this Version - added support for Korean more...

and also About iStat pro

A highly configurable widget that lets you monitor every aspect of your system. It features 9 sections that monitor everything from cpu, memory and disk usage to which processes are using the most cpu. You have complete control over which sections you want to monitor and even the detail level in some cases.

Sections:CPU, Memory, Disks, Network, Battery, Load & Uptime, Temperatures, Fans, Processes…. iStat pro can do it all. Don’t want to monitor them all? Simply disable the sections you don’t want from the back of the widget. more...

Friday, 3 October 2008

Fantastic Battery Performance

Super busy September, A to Z busy…

Here’s my new SE k550i phone but this time in white color after the Laksa Black… ^_^

Few reasons drive me back to this model, 2.0 MP Cyber Shot, 85gram weight, 14mm thick and it’s 6 to 7 hours talk time battery with just standard 950mAh battery!

In my work, I talk a lot on phone. Sales, Complains, Boy friend Girls friend calls, Customer support, guiding them how to “right click”……  *_*

It came with a standard total of 30 received, dialed and missed calls records. This is very useful. Every morning or the night before, one of my habits is to trace back these records for any miss out so that I can prepare my daily jobs schedule.

Averagely the first number shown was between 3 to 4pm. This means there’s an average of 60 to 70 incoming and outgoing per day and also says averagely I’m taking a call in 10 minutes.

If I spend about 5 minutes for each calls, every alternate minutes I’m on the phone! Not to mention plus the usage of Bluetooth. 

Good job SE!