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Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Boot Camp Beta 1.4 Expires on OSx Tiger

Yes, it is an old articles that bOOtcamp no longer support OSx Tiger started this year. The best options and solutions from apple is to upgrade it to Leopard which came along bOOtcamp 2.0

Earlier this year, I had this problems when I sold my previous macbOOk. Was thinking to format the hard drive and restore back software before the hand over.

“Boot Camp Assistant Beta has expired.”

This was the result shown when attempt to partition the hard drive and install XP. Numbers of service case being done this year, and today to share how I manage to do so with the error msg.

Basically quite simple, old days there's an old trick to update some expired anti virus program is to back date the system clock. So does the bOOtcamp ^_^

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

iBackup for my new macbOOK

Finally. Finally got my new macbOOk on saturday. I guess i can just skip those good saying of this product as it has been mention so much out there ^_^

Well, with new improved hardware and its OSx 10.5.5 that came along, so far so smooth. The most I like is its incredible Glass Trackpad functions. 1,2,3 & 4 fingers all counts!

Most concern me was the data, as many of us do when getting new machine, don't we? Beside using the Time Machine came along, here I'd like to share something that can also does the same thing when migrating. iBackup

Has been sharing this software with some clients and friends a year ago with the older version. It does pretty good job. I can choose what to backup start from installed applications, mail, desktop items, keychains, safari bookmarks and cache, customize folder, printers drivers and of cause importantly iTunes and iPhoto.

It can scheduled backups daily or weekly of the selected (created) profiles.

The most I like from it was the one click restoring. Not much to worry, it put back everything to the original folder where was created.

Here's the Download and Help & FAQ. Enjoy!